Study finds people who wake up in the middle of the night are usually just being bitten by an ant Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
A colonic followed by a fecal transplant is the new dinner and a movie Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
If your ex is ignoring you, consider planting and naming a succulent after them Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Shower mats are on the ceiling at Washington Post HQ and only Jeff Bezos and his philanthropic ex-wife know why Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Sadly, due to light pollution, we must now look to popcorn ceilings for guidance Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Men who become gynecologists are usually gay or straight, but sometimes they are bi Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Julienning vegetables takes a few extra minutes, but the brief excitement your guests feel will bring you just enough joy to feel as though it was time well spent Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Increase libido by measuring your penis with the centimeter side Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Belly button lint somehow chokes around 3 sewer rats every year Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
You probably aren’t moving weight if you don’t own an Optimuss OLC 03 Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
NEVER FORGET — Sledgehammers used to fall on thousands of feet per year Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
If anyone makes fun of you for mixing up effect and affect, kindly remind them about swath and swathe Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Mark Zuckerberg’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather was the first person to avoid being painted with an erection by wearing a codpiece Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Misplacing a coupon and allowing it to expire shortens your life more than smoking meth Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Erectile dysfunction was indeed the reason why Gigantopithecus went extinct Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
The most popular magnum to want in you is a 24 ounce can of malt liquor Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Iowa’s only urn factory is hoping to increase sales with new shapes and sizes Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Eric Trump’s favorite utensil is a flat mini whisk Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
The old man Groucho Marx lookalike who has been going to casinos and tricking old ladies into buying him a martini is allegedly on the run for something bad but not like rapist bad so calm down Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Sorry, Scrub Daddy, inside out socks are here to stay Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE