The White House is giving away their chairs, as long as you’re willing to give away your chairs to them, so it’s really more of a trade Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Typo by Clarance Thomas makes abortion mandatory Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Big Bird interrupted a peaceful Westboro Baptist Church protest by stealing the second letter ‘H’ in “ALL WHORES GO TO HELL” from a CHILD Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Senate to vote on a law that would make an 8+ layered lasagna a misdemeanor to make and a felony to consume Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
President Joe Biden will now only speak to the press when he’s tying his left shoe Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Parents in Wyoming are stockpiling snowballs after new law makes them the only way to legally hit kids Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
The Supreme Court’s gavel supplier has been making their wooden hammers a millimeter shorter every month since 1792 and thankfully we’re finding out about it now and not before it’s too late and the gavels are too small to use Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Russia honors Rosa Parks’ half birthday with a stamp showcasing the wrong bus Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Trump is having second thoughts after letting Biden wear his tie Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
It is now illegal to have a TV poor people can afford inside of a luxury suite Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
A big old organ has been behind the President’s desk this entire time Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Male sex offenders will now have QR codes forcibly tattooed onto their penis tips to show them what being taken advantage of feels like Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
It’s crazy to think that one of these kids voted for Ross Perot Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Obama, Trump, and Biden decide to legalize cannabis and ban late term abortions after smoke sesh Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Donald Trump and Joe Biden both pooped their pants today Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Some guy who said “We would all be speaking German if Hitler had his way” was seen at granddaughter’s Kindergarten graduation Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Barron Trump’s first lemonade stand wasn’t a lemonade stand. It was a shampoo for white guys stand Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Amy Coney Barrett’s only tattoo is a Jello mold with whipped cream on top Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
The boots George W. Bush wore to bed after 9/11 are MISSING Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Ben Carson’s mansion has a pyramid filled with grain on rooftop Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE