That scalp massager feels so good because it is having intercourse with your hair follicles Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Earliest soccer ball included nub for attaching rope Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Earliest Jesus Fish was used to stab Jesus’ fish Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Biden plans to fill potholes with slime on third day in office Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Nobody knows why, but concrete starts to cry after 90ish years Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
The smartest turtles do not eat plastic, leading scientists to hypothesize they are evolving into super geniuses Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Hofstra University’s Robotics Team invented a material to mimic the feel of human lips using frozen snails and ChapStick Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Polar bear dreams are climate change nightmares Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Man impales eye with Swiffer Sweeper, damages frontal cortex Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Textured ceilings are driving babies insane and one doctor thinks she knows why Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Bad news for turtles everywhere, study finds plastic may neutralize radiation in large amounts Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
3 to 5 percent of water content in lettuce comes from gophers crying Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Smelling laundry detergent before buying is due to a mutated gene from homo floresiensis fruit bartering Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Silly String, not vaccines, causes autism in mice [Hofstra University] Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Hermit crabs using crumpled water bottles as a shell makes top marine biologist question if pollution is truly bad Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Children who bite off Sour Patch feet first need to be surveilled Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Duct taping a can of room deodorizer spray behind fan, Bill Nye cleverly tweets in Wingdings, is the quickest way to freshen a musty old suit Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Orgasms during birthing process lead to child developing mom-son fetish, recent Frank Luntz poll shows Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Algorithm uses first cries outside of womb to determine life expectancy Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE