Bill Nye worried alien life may be too ugly to look at Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Marine life refuse to eat millions of Barbie lost at sea Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Supercomputer data shows there are only 749 different facial features worldwide Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Biographer David Werberstein’s new tell-all reveals Newton’s Second Law of Motion originally contained racial slur Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Soon to be released audio of Stephen Hawking reveals antisemitism, source tells FoxPews Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
New typing method more effective than home row Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
“Ejaculating in own mouth… unlimited amount of sustenance.” Bill Nye says at Science Expo Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Certain species of squirrel evolving vision to detect red lights Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Tesla model Y turns right slower than left Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Backwash has been microplastics this whole time Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
35 year study shows naming baby Zach for highest likelihood of being handsome kid in class Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
DMT now legal in Idaho if administered by Shaman Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Yellow food coloring and urine share molecular structure Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Study: Pulling hair at height of orgasm may kill sperm cells, baffles doctors Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Deepest underwater location not bottom of Mariana Trench, but under Lake Erie Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Octopus language heard by orca told to human through sign language for first time Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Pokemon Yellow Easter egg cures cancer in mice Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
New police sunglasses detect cannabis smoke in vehicles Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE
Snails who grow up in big cities can no longer stick to metal, baffling 97% of biologists Your browser does not support the audio element. LISTEN LIVE